General Medicine is a speciality of medicine which is involved in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide range of both acute and chronic diseases affecting different parts of the body. General medicine deals with different diseases from head to toe. Doctors specializing in general or internal medicine are called Physicians. Normally, General Physicians indulge in the following works. Gurukrupa Hospitals provides best General Medicines in Mira Road & Bhayandar.
Family Physicians possess unique skills to provide comprehensive medical care to all members of the family irrespective of ages, gender, and diseases. A family physician or family practice acquires speciality training beyond normal medical training and possess in-depth knowledge of adults and pediatric medicine. A family physician plays an important role in providing universal health care to the family and community.
General Medicine deals with almost all range of both acute and chronic diseases including fever, asthma, heart disease, liver problems, hypertension, neurological problems, and other ailments. Here are some of the lists of diseases diagnosed and treated by a general physician: Fever, Asthma, Hypertension, Thyroid malfunctions, Liver Diseases, Heart Diseases.
Contact Now For General Medicine Hospital in Mira Road & Bhayandar.